On 26-10-2022 20:21, PGNet Dev wrote:

If there are currently no keys that we have to check the DS for, then you may still see this log line.

all my zones have now toggled rumoured -> omnipresent.  i took no explicit manual action other than letting an arbitrarily long-ish time pass.
it just happened ... eventually.

It is not arbitrary, as I said in the other thread:

BIND is waiting to make sure the new DS is also known to the validators.
The time being evaluated here is the DS TTL, plus parent-propagation-delay, plus retire-safety.

re: your comment "we have to check the DS for", what exec _forces_ a (re)check of keys' DS ?

i'd understood

   rndc dnssec -checkds published ${zone}

to do exactly that.  i.e., check 'NOW'.
and, since the DS were clearly published and available @ my each/all of my parental-agents{}, that the state toggle would happen, similarly, 'NOW'. or at least NOW-ish.

is that incorrect?

Yes, because while the check happens immediately, we don't know for how long the DS has been in the parent. That is why there is a delay of DS TTL, plus parent-propagation-delay, plus retire-safety.

- Matthijs
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