On 27.10.22 09:08, Veronique Lefebure wrote:
yes, here is a concrete example:

# ip-dns-1 runs BIND 9.16.33:

dig @ip-dns-1 spectrum.cern.ch +short +norecurse
spectrum-lb.cern.ch.     <------------- Here we get only the CNAME

# ip-dns-0 runs BIND 9.11:

dig @ip-dns-0 spectrum.cern.ch +short +norecurse
xxx.xxx.xx.140         <-------- Here we get in addition the IP of 

And yes, a capture shows confirms indeed that dig returns less information when 
the BIND 9.16.33 DNS server is used.

I guess you can easily reproduce that behaviour, unless it is due to a 
mis-configuration bit on our DNS server ?

I could not reproduce as the query currently returns NXDOMAIN

AFAIK different servers may return different results depending if they have the requested record in cache or not.

+norecurse only asks server not to send query out, it doesn't prevent returning cached record.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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