Am 02.07.2023 um 16:41 schrieb Matthew Seaman:
Personally, I maintain zone files with DNSSEC signing on FreeBSD using the dns/p5-DNS-nsdiff port, which is a perl module written by Tony Finch -- someone well known on this list.

You can keep your zone files in git or whatever code repository suits you. nsdiff will compare what's live in your DNS zone against whats in your updated zone file and generate a script for nsupdate(1) to make the former match the latter.

You'll need to configure appropriate levels of access for nsupdate(1). That can be from pretty much any machine given you set up zone policies and distribute keys appropriately. Although if you run nsdiff directly on your primary DNS machine, you should be able to use the built-in /var/run/named/session.key with a per-zone policy like:

         update-policy {
             grant local-ddns zonesub any;

See the '-l' flag to nsupdate(1)

thanks, that is very interesting information.
What I understood from the documentation:
*-s* /server/[#/port/]

I can maintain e.g. my zones from my local computer at home inside a git repository and use nsdiff and nspatch to push the changes to the server in the internet?

Does the server then has the source file ( or does the server only work with raw and the .jnl file?

It I add a new zone, do I only need to configure it as master, define access to it and then upload the zone data via nspatch?

If that would all be possible, that technique can maybe also used to change letsencrypt verification to dns using the nsupdate command to get required information into the zone file. That would definitely open a lot of new possibilities to put more automation the the full setup. ;)



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