Am 04.07.2023 um 10:16 schrieb Matthew Seaman:

By default, the primary server will end up with a `` zone data file in text format which contains the pretty much the same RRs as your master copy in git, but reformatted into a standard style, sorted into order and with comments stripped[*]. Plus added DNSKEY, CDS, CDNSKEY, RRSIG records from dnssec signing.

There will be a .jnl file for each zone with the latest updates to the zone -- in principle you can use rndc(8) to flush changes from the journal into the main zone file, but this isn't necessary if you're using nsupdate based methods exclusively to maintain the zone data.

[*] Unless you have configured `masterfile-format raw` in which case your zone files will be in binary format.

I started now to setup everything.

To give it a try, I created a key and configured the zone to allow updates.
I documented that already for myself, maybe that is also helpful for someone else:

as the link can maybe change, here a more generic one:

So far, nsdiff generates expected output, next step is now to apply the changes in an automated way.



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