For what it is worth I ran into the same situation with a new employee
about two weeks ago.
We got around it by doing manual installs of required packages but did not
obtain a systematic solution.
We did not have time to trace the situation sufficiently for a report.

On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 9:52 AM, Levi Waldron <>

> On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 12:23 AM, Martin Morgan
> <> wrote:
> > It seems like this is a local cache of the rstudio file that describes
> the
> > mac repository. Maybe your vanilla execution of install.packages() does
> not
> > use the repository that BiocInstaller does. So maybe
> >
> >     install.packages("lazyeval", repos=biocinstallRepos())
> >
> > fails (maybe if repeated a second time)?
> Yes, you're right, it fails.
> > This would sound like an RStudio
> > problem. Is a work-around possible with
> >
> >   options(repos=c(CRAN="";))
> >   biocinstallRepos()                   # should pick up new repository
> >   biocLite("lazyeval")
> This works for one install, then subsequently produces the same error:
> Browse[1]> file
> [1] "/var/folders/6n/cj15_ryn3ls0jtvfhtxztq080000gn/T//
> RtmpYdXlSZ/
> 2Fmacosx%2Fmavericks%2Fcontrib%2F3.4.rds"
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