On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 12:51 AM, Martin Morgan <
martin.mor...@roswellpark.org> wrote:

> Levi triggered the problem with install.packages("lazyeval",
> repos=biocinstallRepos(), which is an R-only command. Also, there have not
> been any changes to the logic of biocLite() in this regard, so the problem
> is likely to be in R (devel) per se. I'll try to get access to a Mac and
> investigate.

Yes, in fact, now I notice that it also happens with just
install.packages("lazyeval"), on the second invocation with the same repo
argument (although exiting and starting R again creates a new tmp directory
so gives another free invocation. Sorry for blaming it on biocLite().

Levi Waldron
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics     CUNY School of Public Health
US: +1 646-364-9616                                           Skype:

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