Hi all!
After seeing the Band-tailed Pigeon, I left London at 9:30 am and saw a light morph Rough-legged Hawk between Hwy.74 and 73 a few concessions south of 401. I stopped at Aylmer Police College but found only the usual sparrows here. I checked the feeders at #905 on Concession VI west of Hwy 59 - again only the usual suspects, but there was a N.Flicker near the creek. The next stop was Concession 1A, but the Screech Owl was not sunning himself at any of the Wood Duck boxes. With the window open, I could hear Sandhill Cranes as soon as I drove west up the hill - the fields to the south were full of these beautiful birds and I counted about 75, including the small one. From Reg.Rd.40 I recounted them and there were 101 plus the one that, I think, is of the "Lesser subspecies" - adult plumage and relatively much shorter bill. Across the road opposite #2629, in the spruce trees was an adult Northern Shrike. On my way home I had 2 male E.Bluebirds around #2120 Front. Street, east of Fisher's Glen. I tried mightily to get a Pipit, Kildeer or Meadowlark for my winter list, but failed to find any of these, nor could I find any Wilson's Snipe at LP. Happy birding and winter listing to the afficianados of this pasttime. Cheers! Maris

Maris Apse - OFO SALES
511 Chamberlain Lane
Oakville ON L6J 6A2

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"Maris Apse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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