From: Tony Bigg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 5:06 PM
Subject: CBC

Here are the highlights of the 52nd Peterborough CBC held Sunday, December 14.
The 49 species observed was slightly below average.  However there were
some good birds.

New species for this count:
Barrow's Goldeneye: 1.  Previously seen in Count Period only.  Note that
the bird could not be refound today in the area it was seen in the Otonabee
River below Lakefield.
Wild Turkey: 63.  Seen in three areas. We have been expecting these for a
number of years now, and when they came, they came in a rush!

Other unusual species for the count:
Bufflehead: 2
Red-breasted Merganser: 1  One seen on 4 previous occasions.
Merlin: 2  Two seen once before in 1954
Lesser Black-backed Gull: 1  One seen once before
Northern Flicker: 2
Common Raven: 1

Record High numbers:
Common Merganser: 71
American Coot: 2
Dark-eyed Junco: 207  Beat last years record

Count period birds included one Bohemian Waxwing in a flock of 20 Cedar

Tony Bigg
Peterborough, Ontario'

Mark Cranford
ONTBIRDS Coordinator
Mississauga, Ontario
905 279 9576
Mark Cranford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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