A number of people are interested in following up on last weekend's post 
about the exceptionally high total of Greater Snow Geese along the St. 
Lawrence River between Lancaster and the Quebec border. I don't know how 
many are still present in the entire area but the number is very high 
(over 100,000 at one location) so a trip in the next day or two would be 
in order. Birds will stick around Eastern Ontario into early May but they 
will never be as easy to find as now or as abundant. The best viewing 
yesterday and today was again at Westley's Point. There is still an ice 
edge there which is very attractive to the birds. Careful scanning may 
reveal a Ross's Goose or hybrid Ross's x Greater Snow Goose. This 
particular location was Snow Goose central at 4:30 with an incredibly 
dense grouping both on the water as well as the ice.

Brian Morin

Directions: Take Hwy 401 to Lancaster (exit 814). Proceed through the 
light onto South Service Rd. The first and best location to check is 4.7 
km straight ahead, at Westley's Point. Turn right. Park on the road, not 
in the farm field. Birds may also be present at other locations further 
east so check access down 78th Ave and 94th Ave. as well as close to the 
border. In late afternoon many/most of the birds leave the river and head 
into the fields a few concessions north to feed before nightfall. They 
will return to the river at dusk.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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