Unfortunately, the majority of the birds have flown, heading east into 
Quebec where they will link up with the balance of the migrating flocks 
near Quebec City. On Friday morning, there was still a good flock present 
off Westley's Point east of Lancaster but on Friday evening birds were 
hard to find. While they may have headed into the fields to feed, they may 
also have headed downriver. I was afraid that once the balance of the 
shore ice left, the local attraction would be seriously diminished. That 
appears to be the case.

There are certainly thousand of birds left in the counties, probably near 
traditional locations such as St. Isidore, Chesterville, east of 
Casselman, Alfred and in 10 days or more from now, along the Ottawa River 
at Voyageur Provincial Park. Once the ice is fully gone from municipal 
reservoirs, those areas will be the new magnet for the balance of the 
birds remaining. 

Based on annual survey statistics, we can expect that about 65,000 or more 
will still be around until May in about a dozen flocks scattered 
throughout the eastern portion of the province.

Brian Morin
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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