At 4:30 pm I checked the location where the Greater White-fronted Geese were 
reported earlier in the day (2936 Lakeshore Rd). While I didn't see them, there 
were 4 Snow and 5 Blue Geese nearby in the field west of the James Berry Drain 
wetland. The wetland was also harboring about 70 Sandhill Cranes (that I could 
see) and almost 2000 ducks (mainly Mallards with a few Blacks mixed in). The 
Mallards are recent arrivals while the cranes are overwintering birds, the last 
of the over 1200 that were here in mid-December.

The White-fronteds were reported farther west around mid-afternoon but a search 
of the area was unsuccessful. What Mark Conboy and I did find was the flock of 
Ross's Geese back at this morning's location about 5 km. west of Port Royal on 
Lakeshore Rd.  And, in keeping with the ongoing influx of waterfowl into the 
area, the flock has grown to 13 birds. I also noted a single Snow Goose in with 
some Canadas in the same area.

So, all of the geese are moving around a great deal throughout the day. A 
driving tour starting at the corner of Hwy 59 and Lakeshore Rd. and working 
west should be productive. Remember to pull off as far on to the shoulder to 
allow traffic to get by. Also, please be aware that all of the fields in the 
area are private property. Wandering out into them without permission to get a 
better look at the birds or to photograph them is absolutely not permitted. 
Bring a scope and observe from the roadside.

Good luck

Ron Ridout
Bird Studies Canada

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