Festival of Flight; Good number of warblers seen in the park today
including numerous Cape May and Blackpolls. The Prothonotary continues on
Tulip Trail. Scarlet Tanagers and Indigo Buntings are being seen throughout
the park. Both cuckoos continue to be seen on Bennet Rd. The most common
bird at Blenheim lagoons continues to be Ruddy Ducks. The shorebird cells
has some Semi-palmated and Least sandpipers plus Dunlin. Some Bobolinks can
also be seen in the lagoons grassland area.

Rondeau's Festival of Flight has 2 guided bird hikes daily from now until
May 21. Check out www.rondeauprovincialpark.ca for details or call visitor
at 519-674-1768. Daily posting can be found on ebird or Ontbirds
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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