On Mon, Aug 24, 2020 at 1:17 PM Eric Voskuil <e...@voskuil.org> wrote:

> I said security, not privacy. You are in fact exposing the feature to any
> node that wants to negotiate for it. if you don’t want to expose the buggy
> feature, then disable it. Otherwise you cannot prevent peers from accessing
> it. Presumably peers prefer the new feature if they support it, so there is
> no need for this complexity.
I interpreted* " This seems to imply a security benefit (I can’t discern
any other rationale for this complexity). It should be clear that this is
no more than trivially weak obfuscation and not worth complicating the
protocol to achieve.", *to be about obfuscation and therefore privacy.

The functionality that I'm mentioning might not be buggy, it might just not
support peers who don't support another feature. You can always disconnect
a peer who sends a message that you didn't handshake on (or maybe we should
elbow bump given the times).
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