> On Aug 21, 2020, at 15:16, Matt Corallo <lf-li...@mattcorallo.com> wrote:
> Hmm, could that not be accomplished by simply building this into new 
> messages? eg, send "betterprotocol", if you see a verack and no 
> "betterprotocol" from your peer, send "worseprotocol" before you send a 
> "verack".
> Matt
>> On 8/21/20 5:17 PM, Jeremy wrote:
>> As for an example of where you'd want multi-round, you could imagine a 
>> scenario where you have a feature A which gets bugfixed by the introduction 
>> of feature B, and you don't want to expose that you support A unless you 
>> first negotiate B. Or if you can negotiate B you should never expose A, but 
>> for old nodes you'll still do it if B is unknown to them.

This seems to imply a security benefit (I can’t discern any other rationale for 
this complexity). It should be clear that this is no more than trivially weak 
obfuscation and not worth complicating the protocol to achieve.

>> An example of this would be (were it not already out without a feature 
>> negotiation existing) WTXID/TXID relay.
>> The SYNC primitve simply codifies what order messages should be in and when 
>> you're done for a phase of negotiation offering something. It can be done 
>> without, but then you have to be more careful to broadcast in the correct 
>> order and it's not clear when/if you should wait for more time before 
>> responding.
>> On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 2:08 PM Jeremy <jlru...@mit.edu 
>> <mailto:jlru...@mit.edu>> wrote:
>>    Actually we already have service bits (which are sadly limited) which 
>> allow negotiation of non bilateral feature
>>    support, so this would supercede that.
>>    --
>>    @JeremyRubin 
>> <https://twitter.com/JeremyRubin><https://twitter.com/JeremyRubin>
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