Hmm, could that not be accomplished by simply building this into new messages? eg, send "betterprotocol", if you see a verack and no "betterprotocol" from your peer, send "worseprotocol" before you send a "verack".


On 8/21/20 5:17 PM, Jeremy wrote:
As for an example of where you'd want multi-round, you could imagine a scenario where you have a feature A which gets bugfixed by the introduction of feature B, and you don't want to expose that you support A unless you first negotiate B. Or if you can negotiate B you should never expose A, but for old nodes you'll still do it if B is unknown to them. An example of this would be (were it not already out without a feature negotiation existing) WTXID/TXID relay.

The SYNC primitve simply codifies what order messages should be in and when you're done for a phase of negotiation offering something. It can be done without, but then you have to be more careful to broadcast in the correct order and it's not clear when/if you should wait for more time before responding.

On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 2:08 PM Jeremy < 
<>> wrote:

    Actually we already have service bits (which are sadly limited) which allow 
negotiation of non bilateral feature
    support, so this would supercede that.

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