> It should be ready to go in a few months IMO

What is this assessment based on? I am assuming you haven't done a code review 
of the opcode, you haven't coded up a real world use case of OP_CTV (or even a 
primitive proof of concept), you haven't thought about alternative proposals 
for any particular use case (vaults for example have multiple current 
alternative proposals and most likely many future ones). A new programming 
language (Sapio) sounds great but do you you need it for your use case rather 
than an alternative high level language like Minsc? Sapio makes use of 
Miniscript which hasn't been finalized yet or updated for Taproot. Surely that 
needs to be done first otherwise Sapio is built on top of something that isn't 
ready? When you make the claims such as a consensus change is ready to go the 
burden is on you to convince me and other skeptics why. The status quo is the 
default. "I think it is ready or will be ready" doesn't mean much unless you 
have done the work.

You are well aware of the review process in Core for non-consensus changes. For 
consensus changes you really should be digging even deeper, the bar should be 
higher and all questions you and others have should be explored in depth. It is 
not enough for one individual to say it is ready to be activated, anyone who is 
expressing that view should understand why the opcode has been designed in the 
way it has and why it is so important that we should dedicate months of 
community time to getting a single opcode activated this year.

I have more sympathy for those who don't follow Bitcoin Core development and 
Bitcoin Core review on an ongoing basis (note as I said that the bar for 
consensus changes should be significantly higher than a non-consensus PR). The 
use cases sound cool and the work is genuinely interesting. But honestly for 
someone who has followed Bitcoin Core development, review for a while now you 
really should know better than bandy around statements like "it should be ready 
to go in a few months" when you currently haven't scratched the surface on the 
utility and safety of this opcode. You regularly NACK Core PRs yet you seem 
willing to wave a consensus change through with no outstanding questions and 
zero skepticism.

> If I had to select between a soft fork without any use cases and one with use 
> cases, I would go with the one that has some use cases with code, 
> documentation etc. You should propose a new opcode but OP_CTV is not claiming 
> to cure cancer.

Multiple proven built out use cases, sure. Multiple is better than single when 
you have done the work to ensure they are actually the right tool for those 
multiple use cases. This work hasn't been done on any of these use cases. The 
curing cancer analogy was used to elucidate the point that claims should be 
deeply explored rather than just accepted as true.

>> To contrast with his approach, the authors and contributors of another 
>> future soft fork proposal (BIP 118 [3], SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUT) aren’t promoting 
>> an imminent soft fork activation attempt and instead are building out and 
>> testing one of the speculated use cases, eltoo payment channels [4].

> Because its not ready?

As I said it is not ready because the ANYPREVOUT contributors are building out 
and testing a use case. The high bar on readiness should be applied to all 
proposals not merely the ones where the authors/contributors decide to impose a 
high bar themselves.

I don't really want to spend my year imploring people to dig deeper on this 
before indicating they support an imminent activation attempt. Some people 
don't have the understanding to dig deeper, some people don't have the time and 
some don't have either. However, if an activation of OP_CTV is attempted this 
year I am sure it will be contentious [0]. Anyone who cares about Bitcoin 
development and the ongoing technical work in a multitude of areas should be 
strongly against a contentious soft fork activation attempt wasting the time of 
developers and the entire ecosystem even if they don't have the understanding 
or time to appreciate the reasons why it is contentious.

As I understand there are IRC workshops next week on BIP 119 [1] that I'd 
encourage you to join so you can start getting into a position where you can 
engage with the skeptics on technical concerns. Regrettably (as I said I find 
this work interesting) I don't feel like I can participate because deployment 
and activation is being included and I think it is irresponsible to be 
discussing those at this point. In my view activation should not even be 
speculated upon until it is clear there is overwhelming community support for a 
soft fork being activated.

[0]: https://gist.github.com/michaelfolkson/352a503f4f9fc5de89af528d86a1b718


Michael Folkson
Email: michaelfolkson at protonmail.com
Keybase: michaelfolkson
PGP: 43ED C999 9F85 1D40 EAF4 9835 92D6 0159 214C FEE3

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Tuesday, January 4th, 2022 at 11:53 AM, Prayank via bitcoin-dev 
<bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:

> Hi Michael,
>> If OP_CTV is ready to go now and has overwhelming community support (I don’t 
>> think either is true) it should surely have been included in the Taproot 
>> soft fork (perhaps delayed) rather than going through the months of 
>> activation wrangling and community outreach twice.
> It should be ready to go in a few months IMO and makes no sense to bundle 
> everything with Taproot soft fork. Things can remain separate and still 
> considered good enough based on the changes proposed.
>> It should be made clear to any individual(s) that attempt this of the knock 
>> on impacts and potential short term damage they are inflicting on the entire 
>> ecosystem.
> I don't see any damage with a soft fork that is being discussed since years, 
> documented properly, includes code for implementation and examples, recently 
> got crowdfunding to incentivize review process and improve security.
>> It seems to me like the author and primary promoter of this proposal (Jeremy 
>> Rubin) is pushing for an imminent attempted activation of a soft fork 
>> containing exclusively OP_CTV [2].
> He is doing nothing unexpected and got reasons to support OP_CTV being 
> implemented soon.
>> To contrast with his approach, the authors and contributors of another 
>> future soft fork proposal (BIP 118 [3], SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUT) aren’t promoting 
>> an imminent soft fork activation attempt and instead are building out and 
>> testing one of the speculated use cases, eltoo payment channels [4].
> Because its not ready?
>> Similar work has not been done for any of the speculated use cases of OP_CTV.
> There is no comparison between the two. If someone has worked on one of the 
> speculated uses cases, it makes no difference.
> If we still compare something because of our bias, maybe Sapio is something 
> that would be more helpful for Bitcoin developers.
>> Instead Jeremy is encouraging people to “soft signal” for soft fork 
>> activation of OP_CTV presumably in the hope that the building out and 
>> testing of use cases can be completed post activation.
> We had soft signals from mining pools for Taproot as well and still waiting 
> for projects to use Taproot. Even miners signaling with speedy trial was not 
> a guarantee they would follow new consensus rules later. I don't see anything 
> wrong in looking for people who support a proposal and documenting it.
>> This is totally irresponsible in my view. A long list of speculated use 
>> cases means nothing on its own. I can propose a new opcode OP_MAGIC and 
>> claim it will cure cancer with no potential downsides and hence we should 
>> have a soft fork activating it as soon as possible.
> If I had to select between a soft fork without any use cases and one with use 
> cases, I would go with the one that has some use cases with code, 
> documentation etc. You should propose a new opcode but OP_CTV is not claiming 
> to cure cancer.
>> I would hope there would be sufficient skepticism that this proposal 
>> wouldn’t see the light of day.
> I am confident this proposal will be used by lot of Bitcoin projects and 
> improve privacy, security, decentralization, demand for block space etc.
>> I feel the top priority is to bring some attention to the danger of us 
>> stumbling into an attempted contentious soft fork activation attempt.
> I feel the danger is a few people able to stop soft forks that improve 
> Bitcoin because of their bias and opinions which are mostly non-technical.
>> Enabling covenants on Bitcoin is a big step change with barely any existing 
>> research on the topic and attempting to rush it through by the back door so 
>> soon after Taproot activation should be resisted.
> Nobody has stopped anyone from doing research. There is no backdoor and 
> everything is public. So soon? I am not sure if there are any issues with a 
> soft fork in next few months if its ready.
> --
> Prayank
> A3B1 E430 2298 178F
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