You are working on a use case of OP_CTV now? Cool, you only recently announced 
you were working on Bitcoin Knots (and I think Wasabi before that) so I'm 
losing track of all the announcements. Regardless stick with it and build out 
more than a rudimentary proof of concept. That is one of the things that is 
severely lacking at this point for OP_CTV.

> TBH I am not against Miniscript and still waiting for its support in Core 
> which might take another few years. I would love to have multiple programming 
> languages so that application developers can decide what works best for them.

I would hope you weren't against Miniscript because Sapio is built on top of it 
:) But whatever have fun, I can't do this all day.


Michael Folkson
Email: michaelfolkson at
Keybase: michaelfolkson
PGP: 43ED C999 9F85 1D40 EAF4 9835 92D6 0159 214C FEE3

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Tuesday, January 4th, 2022 at 3:06 PM, Prayank <> wrote:

> What I have done related to OP_CTV?
> What am I currently working on that is not shared publicly and will do in 
> next few weeks?
> Review pull request 21702 and write contracts using Sapio based on few ideas 
> that I already have.
> What is this assessment based on?
> A few months are enough for the recent bounty to find bugs if possible and 
> other things pending to be completed.
>> you haven't thought about alternative proposals for any particular use case 
>> (vaults for example have multiple current alternative proposals and most 
>> likely many future ones)
> I have read enough about alternative proposals and some of them don't even 
> compete with OP_CTV, they can all be implemented and complement each other. 
> Vaults is not the only thing that I care about and it would be better if we 
> don't assume about research done by others.
>> A new programming language (Sapio) sounds great but do you you need it for 
>> your use case rather than an alternative high level language like Minsc? 
>> Sapio makes use of Miniscript which hasn't been finalized yet or updated for 
>> Taproot. Surely that needs to be done first otherwise Sapio is built on top 
>> of something that isn't ready? When you make the claims such as a consensus 
>> change is ready to go the burden is on you to convince me and other skeptics 
>> why. The status quo is the default. "I think it is ready or will be ready" 
>> doesn't mean much unless you have done the work.
> TBH I am not against Miniscript and still waiting for its support in Core 
> which might take another few years. I would love to have multiple programming 
> languages so that application developers can decide what works best for them.
> I don't understand what work are you expecting me to do in this case to share 
> my opinion about a soft fork.
>> It is not enough for one individual to say it is ready to be activated, 
>> anyone who is expressing that view should understand why the opcode has been 
>> designed in the way it has and why it is so important that we should 
>> dedicate months of community time to getting a single opcode activated this 
>> year.
> I have dedicated enough time reading everything related to OP_CTV and discuss 
> things that were posted earlier here by Jeremy Rubin. Not sure how many 
> skeptics did the same or even tried to discuss anything until recent bounty 
> was announced.
>> You regularly NACK Core PRs yet you seem willing to wave a consensus change 
>> through with no outstanding questions and zero skepticism.
> I would NACK and write the reasons in this pull request as well if I find any 
> issues and PR author is not addressing them. I had lots of questions at 
> conceptual level which have been answered on different platforms and I cannot 
> document each conversation. Its a Concept ACK from me and none of the 
> contributors could find any issues with PR right now so I don't want to stop 
> people from improving Bitcoin.
>> As I understand there are IRC workshops next week on BIP 119 [1] that I'd 
>> encourage you to join so you can start getting into a position where you can 
>> engage with the skeptics on technical concerns. Regrettably (as I said I 
>> find this work interesting) I don't feel like I can participate because 
>> deployment and activation is being included and I think it is irresponsible 
>> to be discussing those at this point. In my view activation should not even 
>> be speculated upon until it is clear there is overwhelming community support 
>> for a soft fork being activated.
> I would be attending the workshops and had even requested Jeremy to use 
> Twitch because it would help more people understand things with audio, screen 
> sharing etc. I would love to see skeptics participate and discuss technical 
> things.
>> I don't feel like I can participate because deployment and activation is 
>> being included and I think it is irresponsible to be discussing those at 
>> this point.
> If you don't participate in the workshops you might miss few things. However, 
> either Jeremy or one of the participants will ensure they share the summary 
> here or even logs would be available.
> --
> Prayank
> A3B1 E430 2298 178F
> Jan 4, 2022, 19:45 by
>>> It should be ready to go in a few months IMO
>> What is this assessment based on? I am assuming you haven't done a code 
>> review of the opcode, you haven't coded up a real world use case of OP_CTV 
>> (or even a primitive proof of concept), you haven't thought about 
>> alternative proposals for any particular use case (vaults for example have 
>> multiple current alternative proposals and most likely many future ones). A 
>> new programming language (Sapio) sounds great but do you you need it for 
>> your use case rather than an alternative high level language like Minsc? 
>> Sapio makes use of Miniscript which hasn't been finalized yet or updated for 
>> Taproot. Surely that needs to be done first otherwise Sapio is built on top 
>> of something that isn't ready? When you make the claims such as a consensus 
>> change is ready to go the burden is on you to convince me and other skeptics 
>> why. The status quo is the default. "I think it is ready or will be ready" 
>> doesn't mean much unless you have done the work.
>> You are well aware of the review process in Core for non-consensus changes. 
>> For consensus changes you really should be digging even deeper, the bar 
>> should be higher and all questions you and others have should be explored in 
>> depth. It is not enough for one individual to say it is ready to be 
>> activated, anyone who is expressing that view should understand why the 
>> opcode has been designed in the way it has and why it is so important that 
>> we should dedicate months of community time to getting a single opcode 
>> activated this year.
>> I have more sympathy for those who don't follow Bitcoin Core development and 
>> Bitcoin Core review on an ongoing basis (note as I said that the bar for 
>> consensus changes should be significantly higher than a non-consensus PR). 
>> The use cases sound cool and the work is genuinely interesting. But honestly 
>> for someone who has followed Bitcoin Core development, review for a while 
>> now you really should know better than bandy around statements like "it 
>> should be ready to go in a few months" when you currently haven't scratched 
>> the surface on the utility and safety of this opcode. You regularly NACK 
>> Core PRs yet you seem willing to wave a consensus change through with no 
>> outstanding questions and zero skepticism.
>>> If I had to select between a soft fork without any use cases and one with 
>>> use cases, I would go with the one that has some use cases with code, 
>>> documentation etc. You should propose a new opcode but OP_CTV is not 
>>> claiming to cure cancer.
>> Multiple proven built out use cases, sure. Multiple is better than single 
>> when you have done the work to ensure they are actually the right tool for 
>> those multiple use cases. This work hasn't been done on any of these use 
>> cases. The curing cancer analogy was used to elucidate the point that claims 
>> should be deeply explored rather than just accepted as true.
>>>> To contrast with his approach, the authors and contributors of another 
>>>> future soft fork proposal (BIP 118 [3], SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUT) aren’t 
>>>> promoting an imminent soft fork activation attempt and instead are 
>>>> building out and testing one of the speculated use cases, eltoo payment 
>>>> channels [4].
>>> Because its not ready?
>> As I said it is not ready because the ANYPREVOUT contributors are building 
>> out and testing a use case. The high bar on readiness should be applied to 
>> all proposals not merely the ones where the authors/contributors decide to 
>> impose a high bar themselves.
>> I don't really want to spend my year imploring people to dig deeper on this 
>> before indicating they support an imminent activation attempt. Some people 
>> don't have the understanding to dig deeper, some people don't have the time 
>> and some don't have either. However, if an activation of OP_CTV is attempted 
>> this year I am sure it will be contentious [0]. Anyone who cares about 
>> Bitcoin development and the ongoing technical work in a multitude of areas 
>> should be strongly against a contentious soft fork activation attempt 
>> wasting the time of developers and the entire ecosystem even if they don't 
>> have the understanding or time to appreciate the reasons why it is 
>> contentious.
>> As I understand there are IRC workshops next week on BIP 119 [1] that I'd 
>> encourage you to join so you can start getting into a position where you can 
>> engage with the skeptics on technical concerns. Regrettably (as I said I 
>> find this work interesting) I don't feel like I can participate because 
>> deployment and activation is being included and I think it is irresponsible 
>> to be discussing those at this point. In my view activation should not even 
>> be speculated upon until it is clear there is overwhelming community support 
>> for a soft fork being activated.
>> [0]:
>> [1]: 
>> --
>> Michael Folkson
>> Email: michaelfolkson at
>> Keybase: michaelfolkson
>> PGP: 43ED C999 9F85 1D40 EAF4 9835 92D6 0159 214C FEE3
>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>> On Tuesday, January 4th, 2022 at 11:53 AM, Prayank via bitcoin-dev 
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi Michael,
>>>> If OP_CTV is ready to go now and has overwhelming community support (I 
>>>> don’t think either is true) it should surely have been included in the 
>>>> Taproot soft fork (perhaps delayed) rather than going through the months 
>>>> of activation wrangling and community outreach twice.
>>> It should be ready to go in a few months IMO and makes no sense to bundle 
>>> everything with Taproot soft fork. Things can remain separate and still 
>>> considered good enough based on the changes proposed.
>>>> It should be made clear to any individual(s) that attempt this of the 
>>>> knock on impacts and potential short term damage they are inflicting on 
>>>> the entire ecosystem.
>>> I don't see any damage with a soft fork that is being discussed since 
>>> years, documented properly, includes code for implementation and examples, 
>>> recently got crowdfunding to incentivize review process and improve 
>>> security.
>>>> It seems to me like the author and primary promoter of this proposal 
>>>> (Jeremy Rubin) is pushing for an imminent attempted activation of a soft 
>>>> fork containing exclusively OP_CTV [2].
>>> He is doing nothing unexpected and got reasons to support OP_CTV being 
>>> implemented soon.
>>>> To contrast with his approach, the authors and contributors of another 
>>>> future soft fork proposal (BIP 118 [3], SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUT) aren’t 
>>>> promoting an imminent soft fork activation attempt and instead are 
>>>> building out and testing one of the speculated use cases, eltoo payment 
>>>> channels [4].
>>> Because its not ready?
>>>> Similar work has not been done for any of the speculated use cases of 
>>>> OP_CTV.
>>> There is no comparison between the two. If someone has worked on one of the 
>>> speculated uses cases, it makes no difference.
>>> If we still compare something because of our bias, maybe Sapio is something 
>>> that would be more helpful for Bitcoin developers.
>>>> Instead Jeremy is encouraging people to “soft signal” for soft fork 
>>>> activation of OP_CTV presumably in the hope that the building out and 
>>>> testing of use cases can be completed post activation.
>>> We had soft signals from mining pools for Taproot as well and still waiting 
>>> for projects to use Taproot. Even miners signaling with speedy trial was 
>>> not a guarantee they would follow new consensus rules later. I don't see 
>>> anything wrong in looking for people who support a proposal and documenting 
>>> it.
>>>> This is totally irresponsible in my view. A long list of speculated use 
>>>> cases means nothing on its own. I can propose a new opcode OP_MAGIC and 
>>>> claim it will cure cancer with no potential downsides and hence we should 
>>>> have a soft fork activating it as soon as possible.
>>> If I had to select between a soft fork without any use cases and one with 
>>> use cases, I would go with the one that has some use cases with code, 
>>> documentation etc. You should propose a new opcode but OP_CTV is not 
>>> claiming to cure cancer.
>>>> I would hope there would be sufficient skepticism that this proposal 
>>>> wouldn’t see the light of day.
>>> I am confident this proposal will be used by lot of Bitcoin projects and 
>>> improve privacy, security, decentralization, demand for block space etc.
>>>> I feel the top priority is to bring some attention to the danger of us 
>>>> stumbling into an attempted contentious soft fork activation attempt.
>>> I feel the danger is a few people able to stop soft forks that improve 
>>> Bitcoin because of their bias and opinions which are mostly non-technical.
>>>> Enabling covenants on Bitcoin is a big step change with barely any 
>>>> existing research on the topic and attempting to rush it through by the 
>>>> back door so soon after Taproot activation should be resisted.
>>> Nobody has stopped anyone from doing research. There is no backdoor and 
>>> everything is public. So soon? I am not sure if there are any issues with a 
>>> soft fork in next few months if its ready.
>>> --
>>> Prayank
>>> A3B1 E430 2298 178F
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