alicexbt wrote:
> I do not have issues with multiple RBF policies being tried out and full-rbf 
> being one of them. My disagreements are with rationale, lack of basic options 
> in Bitcoin Core to employ/disable different RBF policies and a few arguments 
> made in support for full-rbf. Whether it appears strawman or offtopic on 
> github, there should be a place to share these disagreements.

Bitcoin Core is open source software, where developers open pull
requests to try to get them merged after review. If you see a "lack of
basic options" and no one has opened a pull request for it, it may be
for two reasons. First, it could be that it just doesn't make sense,
so no one sees a point in implementing it. Secondly, it may be that it
isn't on anyone's list of priorities. In the second case, you are
welcome to share your preference once. Moreover, no one is holding you
back to implement it yourself and suggest a pull request. However,
repeatedly demanding others to do it for you is not helpful in open
source software development.


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