My bad, there was a superfluous .project file lying around. Sorry for
the noise.


On Mon, 2019-04-22 at 12:58 +0200, Andreas Schildbach wrote:
> What versions of Gradle and Eclipse are you using? What Java SDK are
> you
> using?
> I'm using Eclipse 2019-03 and "gradle eclipse" worked fine for me
> just a
> few weeks ago. Only "bitcoinj-wallettemplate" is always problematic
> because of its dependency to OpenJFX, but it's excluded nowadays on
> Java
> versions lower than 11.
> There shouldn't be a "bitcoinj" project though. Maybe remove that?
> On 21/04/2019 20.30, Robin Lee wrote:
> > Is there some special tricks to do to get bitcoinj into eclipse?
> > 
> > I've checked out master branch from git. I've run gradle build and
> > gradle eclipse successfully. I've imported the four projects into
> > eclipse, bitcoinj, bitcoinj-core, bitcoinj-examples and bitcoinj-
> > tools. 
> > It is the first project bitcoinj that has multiple errors, the
> > other
> > projects are fine. 
> > 
> > There are 1550 errors in the bitcoinj project, it seems to be a
> > build
> > path problem. For example has the error "The import
> > org.bouncycastle cannot be resolved". Although when I for example
> > search for the type org.bouncycastle.asn1.x9.X9ECParameters in
> > eclipse
> > it finds it in /home/robin/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-
> > 2.1/org.bouncycastle/bcprov-
> > jdk15on/1.60/bd47ad3bd14b8e82595c7adaa143501e60842a84/bcprov-
> > jdk15on-
> > 1.60.jar
> > 
> > Any advice?
> > 

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