Thanks all for your input on/off list. Much appreciated!
I first considered the 2N equipments as they seem to be asterisk-friendly; 
however, the price is not suitable for development purposes I have. VoiceBlue 
are great for a production environment instead. [I just want to stretch my 
Asterisk's legs for now and see how far it goes -- LOL]
On the other side, the taiwanese solution sounds within the range - I'll give 
them a try. Wished I could get one locally but I guess we'll have to rely on 
eBay for this. I'll keep you all posted on any feedback of the product once I 
can test it out
Thanks again and have all a wonderful day!
Warmest Regards,

> Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 10:35:13 -0400> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED];> Subject: Re: [biz] Re: 
> [on-asterisk] RE: [biz] GSM Gateway> > Hi All,> > Bruce - excellent points. 
> 2N is a good equipment company however can> only run 4 concurrent GSM calls 
> at the same time. The feedback about> integrating 2N with Asterisk is that 
> usually that there are no major> issues.> > The cheap (lite) version of a GSM 
> gateway from 2N (a company in Czech> Rep.) can run about $3k CDN , however 
> the enterprise version (+smtp,> +h323, etc.) will set you back about $7k 
> CDN.> > There are some cheap Taiwanese products out there> 
> (some as cheap as $200) - but I have never> tried 
> nor I know anyone that did. Also you should definitely compare> the 
> functionalities of any GSM gateways as they vary.> > One of them is for sale 
> here:> 
>  > Claudius - good luck!> > --> Alex Kovalenko> 877.585.VOIP ext. 701> 
> 514.907.3192 ext. 701> >> Canadian VoIP Store> "IP 
> Phones, FXS Adaptors, PBXs,> Digium cards, and more..."> > > On 8/23/07, 
> Bruce Nik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> > Hello Claudius,> >> > There was 
> another thread on the same topic which I think I responded to. Anyhow, I 
> think you can hardly find anyone in Canada that would sell this. You can 
> always try ebay and you will find some stuff. However, there is no variety to 
> them. 2n and Quescom are the companies that make the better quality GSM 
> gateways but at a very high cost. You are looking for 1800 Euro or so to buy 
> a 4 SIM. Way too expensive. But, these two companies offer different quotes 
> for different people. Try contacting them and before they give you any quote 
> they will ask 100s of questions to find out what you use it for so that they 
> can fix the price accordingly.> >> > I think that any GSM gateway would do 
> the job and it's not necessary to buy from them. However, someone else on 
> this list also mentioned that the low quality ones don't work properly. So, 
> since GSM VoIP gateways are so young, why don't you go for GSM analogue 
> gateways and hook them up with an FXS device. They are way more mature and 
> cheaper than the GSM VoIP gateways.> >> > By the way, don't let that high 
> figure through you out as 2 SIM can be found for less than $400 on ebay. If 
> you find anything in GTA let me know too :)> >> > Behrooz> >> >> >> > > Date: 
> Thu, 23 Aug 2007 12:07:11 -0400> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED];> Subject: Re: [biz] Re: 
> [on-asterisk] RE: [biz] GSM Gateway> > Claudius,> > I think you can get 
> something like this and get it to work with your Asterisk:> 
>  > Thanks for heads up Dave - we will not solicit offers to Claudius to> buy 
> from us ;)> > --> Alex Kovalenko> 877.585.VOIP ext. 701> 514.907.3192 ext. 
> 701> >> Canadian VoIP Store> "IP Phones, FXS 
> Adaptors, PBXs,> Digium cards, and more..."> > > On 8/23/07, Dave Donovan 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> > Hi Claudius,> >> > I know this isn't exactly an 
> answer to your question, but I think I've heard> > about a module for 
> Asterisk that connects to a cel phone using bluetooth.> > When a call comes 
> in on the cel phone, Asterisk answers it. When you want> > to place a call 
> out, Asterisk uses the cel phone.> >> > My guess is that it attaches like a 
> handsfree headset.> >> > This might get you started.> > 
>> >> > On a 
> side note, this is a borderline biz question since "Where do can I> > buy?" 
> type questions tend to solicit answers from resellers etc.> >> > It sounds 
> like you've got an interesting project on the go. Good luck with> > it.> >> > 
> Dave> >> > On 8/23/07, Claudius Fortis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> > >> > > 
> Sorry, forgot to mention, I'm looking for a device I could pick up locally> > 
> > (GTA)> > >> > > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
>> Date: Thu,> > > 23 Aug 2007 09:38:15 -0400> Subject: [biz] GSM 
> Gateway> > Morning All,> >> > > I'm looking an inexpensive GSM gateway 
> (support for 1 GSM SIM card is> > > sufficient) to conduct some tests on a 
> particular project.> > Essentially, I> > > want to be able to make and 
> receive calls from/to Asterisk via the GSM> > > cellular network.> > Any 
> pointers?> > Thanks and have a great day!> >> > > Claudius> 
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