Here in southern Illinois our problem is heat. We have been under a heat warning for a week now, and it is not supposed to get back into the mid-90s until Saturday evening late. It has been over 100 here every day this week, with extremely high humidity (we are the "land between the rivers" -- Mississippi and Ohio, and we get jungle-like humidity regularly through the summers. But the present heat wave effects seem to be cumulative on the animals, who are really suffering, more each day. The night temperatures are not cool enough for them to recover. I am emptying and refilling 50-gallon water troughs twice per day because the water gets so hot that the animals won't drink it. Half my ewes are at the end stages of nursing and are emaciated, and the other half are over 3 months pregnant and are getting big. All are noticably miserable. I hope we all survive, and I hope this heat will end soon! This is the second heat warning of a week or more that we've had this summer. Our NPR radio station said that after this present heat wave subsides (and that means temperatures going down below the mid-90s, into the lower 90s), there is another one expected within a couple weeks afterward.

My goal for this time is to keep everyone alive.

Mary Swindell

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