After fighting broken fences for years, I finally bought some cattle panels
to pt inside the rams' paddock - problems resolved!  When introducing new
rams, do so in small area, after that mine live together in rams' paddock
and seldom fight but do butt the panels (I think they like the resounding
clang).  When I had 1 ram, he used to but the big fir tree - the tree won
but he'd keep trying.

I sort mine in the barn as I have 2 stalls and the main area.  I put grain
in to get them in, then let them out individually into barn alley & open the
proper door to where I want them.  I have tried using my dogs to put them
thru the sorting chute (I have too many to lock into chute) but find I'm
spending 1/2 the time directing the dog.

The nice thing about sheep versus other livestock, is that with sheep, if
something doesn't work & goes to H** in a handbasket, wait 5 minutes & start
again.  My sheep don't usually think the same thing is about to happen & go
willingly.  The other thing is that a bucket of grain gets them moving in a
much better mood/speed then a dog!

When I first got my Am.Barbs (15 years ago), their old home had no living
trees, bushes etc & when they first got to my place they would eat
everything, they have since become pickier but still enjoy young bushes
(esp. if the bush is in my garden).


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