Thanks Donna-Marie,

I appreciate the input. Most of my fencing has been tested by the goats, but I tried putting up something makeshift to separate the boys until I could figure out what to do with them. They took it down pretty easily :-) For their paddocks I have some close railed pipe corrals in most areas, and wire mesh fencing elsewhere. I agree that cattle panels work very well. I think I have them pretty well confined now. At least until they prove me wrong :-)

The problem I was having is that while they tried to come with me for food, invariably one of the boys would start butting everyone and they all got distracted and took off. Now they come to me, eat out of my hand, and follow me everywhere. Life is much better now that all but one of the boys are elsewhere.

Do most of you keep your young rams in bachelor flocks, rather than with the girls? I guess in a normal flock the dominant male would keep the young boys in line, but all of my rams are youngsters, so they have no adult supervision and discipline.


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