On Thu, 9 Sep 2004 19:18:18 -0700 (PDT), Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> - some randomizer for choosing next image
Some time ago I wrote a deamon application capable of setting a random
background every n-seconds. You could set, of course n as you like. Nice
hack, that took me a few hours, but was a nice break from learning some
algorithms for my studies.

Thought, that someone may be in need of such thing. If yes, then let me
know, I'll send source, or something :) Of course, code review or
feature review would be nice too.

> My goal is to have a simple tool for my wife to use for selecting the
> background image. For example, xfce4 provides a tool for selecting a
> background image, but it is a part of the xfce xfce-setting-show which
> does a lot more. Maybe I should use a tool available from some heavier
> desktop environment -- but then I don't want the bloat it may require.

> gqview (GTK2 and GTK1 versions)

I think that these goals are easily acomplished by gqview. It does not
have random image, but well, can't have everything, it's just a broweser
:) Still, setting a pic as a wallpaper is available as a right-click
menu option. Quite convenient way. Of course it supports thumbnails, and
is very easy to use. I recommend this one.


|  o        | "Even if a samurai's head were to be suddenly |
| `|,  \.,o |  cut off, he should still be able to perform  |
| /'\   |'  |  one more action with certainty"              |

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