On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 15:04:18 -0700 (PDT), Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> The right click has edit then option to put on desktop. But it doesn't
> have option for proper scaling and so the images I used were distorted.

Yes, this is quite an issue :), but still, the code for setting an image
as a background have just about 15 lines of code, so don't expect
miracles. Of course it would be nice to have this. You can always add
some small program (wmsetbg may fit) to editors section in gqview. This
may be some way of solving it.

> And my wife tells me:
>   "What happened to the program that let me tile it?"
> (She had xfce4 a few days ago.)

Yep, this is the price of trying to put somebody to action with some new
stuff :) Lucky one, you've managed to persuade her, that linux isn't the
worst that can happen to a woman.


|  o        | "Even if a samurai's head were to be suddenly |
| `|,  \.,o |  cut off, he should still be able to perform  |
| /'\   |'  |  one more action with certainty"              |

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