On Fri, 10 Sep 2004, Marcin Cylke wrote:

> > gqview (GTK2 and GTK1 versions)
> I think that these goals are easily acomplished by gqview. It does not
> have random image, but well, can't have everything, it's just a broweser
> :) Still, setting a pic as a wallpaper is available as a right-click
> menu option. Quite convenient way. Of course it supports thumbnails, and
> is very easy to use. I recommend this one.

gqview looks nice and is on my my wife's system. (gqview did crash
0.70.0beta2 on my other system.)

The right click has edit then option to put on desktop. But it doesn't
have option for proper scaling and so the images I used were distorted.

And my wife tells me:

  "What happened to the program that let me tile it?"

(She had xfce4 a few days ago.)

  Jeremy C. Reed
echo 'G014AE824B0-07CC?/JJFFFI?D64CB>D=3C427=>;>6HI2><J' |
tr /-_ :\ Sc-y./ | sed swxw`uname`w

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