John Marr wrote:
> I am a somewhat newbie, so please forgive me if this sounds newbieish :)
> I am running blackbox on debian unstable. I would like to have gkellm and a
> background be added to my desktop whenever i boot up into my system. I am
> using gdm. I have been told that by editing my .xinitrc or my .xsession file
> that I can have these apps load on boot.

hello john,

it is important to place 'exec blackbox' in the end of your list
in ~/.xinitrc,
'gkrellm -w &' for example makes gkrellm start in tthe slit, same
with 'bbpager -w &'. bbrun does it automatically. hope this
solved your problem. this is how my .xinitrc looks like:

imwheel -k
bbpager &
bbrun &
gkrellm -w &
exec blackbox

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