John Marr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am running blackbox on debian unstable. I would like to have gkellm and a
> background be added to my desktop whenever i boot up into my system.

You don't mean "boot".  "Booting" is the process of starting your
machine. Your machine can sit there for hours (days, weeks) without
anybody being logged in -- you want this to start up when you log in.
In particular, you probably only want these to start iff you log in
locally and you use X (in contrast to logging in on the console or

> I am
> using gdm. I have been told that by editing my .xinitrc or my .xsession file
> that I can have these apps load on boot. My problem is that I have added the
> correct commands to both of these file, yet nothing automatically starts
> when I boot into linux. Am I doing something wrong, or is there something
> messed up with my system.

I believe if you use [k|g|x]dm, it should be in your ~/.xsession, which
must be world readable and executable IIRC (man chmod for that).  They
also log their errors into a file, per default it's in /var/log/gdm/, I
think (though the location of that file can be found in
/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf).  If you don't have read-permissions on the
log-file, ask you Sytem Administrator to investigate.

> I will bbe reading documentation tomorrow to solve this.

You should _always_ read the documentation first, then search the web,
search and then iff you don't find the answer or need
more information should you post to a newsgroup / mailing list.


Jan Schaumann

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