On 12-Dec-2001 Christian Dysthe wrote:
> Hi,
> I asked about this a while back, but got no answer. Maybe someone
> now knows why Blackbox allows several instanses of Opera (the web
> browser) as long as each instance is opened on different desktops? 
> For instance, if I click on a link in my mailer an Opera instance is
> opened even though another instance of Opera is running on another
> desktop. In other WM's a click on an e-mail link switches to the
> desktop where Opera is already running opening a window with the
> link content, while in Blackbox one is opened on the current
> desktop.
> I know for a fact that Opera is not designed to allow several
> instances of itself. So why is Blackbox allowing it for this
> application while other WM's I have tried this on (KDE, Gnome, IceWM
> and XFce) don't?

That is not the wm's job.  If the app wants to only allow one instance it can
handle that.  Switching workspaces (desktops) is even worse behaviour.

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