Actually, wmaker's code looks like this....

    /* prevent window withdrawal when getting UnmapNotify */
    XSelectInput(dpy, wwin->client_win, 
                 wwin->event_mask & ~StructureNotifyMask);
    XUnmapWindow(dpy, wwin->client_win);
    XSelectInput(dpy, wwin->client_win, wwin->event_mask);

    XUnmapWindow(dpy, wwin->frame->core->window);

, whereas blackbox's code is this....

  XUnmapWindow(display, frame.window);

  XSelectInput(display, client.window, NoEventMask);
  XUnmapWindow(display, client.window);
  XSelectInput(display, client.window,
               PropertyChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask |            

Slightly different.  I've not had a chance to look at what exactly the
difference in results is....  =:)

On Wed, 2001-12-12 at 14:41, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> > 
> > Shaleh, please take a gander at this and see if you have any objections
> > to putting it in 61.2.  The affect that this has (at least with this
> > opera situation) is that opera's state hasn't changed to Withdrawn and
> > he's now able to receive the "open a new link" message.  Now, granted,
> > opera doesn't magically switch the desktop to where it is, but it does
> > get the message to open a new link and doesn't open a brand new window
> > on the current desktop....
> > 
> > So, again, the fix that I've come up with is as follows....
> > should have this....
> > 
> Window maker's code look just like yours vanR.  I would like to know if Brad
> had a reason for the state call.
Jason Kasper (vanRijn)
bash$ :(){ :|:&};:
Numbers 6:24-26

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