On Mon, 2002-01-21 at 21:13, Jason Chu wrote:
> I have some code to add Xinerama support to Blackbox... (still waiting
> for the cheering to die down).  For those of you who don't know what
> Xinerama is it allows multiple monitors to be used as a single monitor. 
> The problem is things like Blackbox placing windows across window
> borders and menus spanning windows and things like that.

I too use Xinerama in Blackbox, and have some difficulty understanding
the frequently voiced viewpoint that Blackbox's Xinerama support is
broken in some way.  There is nothing broken concerning Blackbox's
current Xinerama support.

The idea behind Xinerama is simple, to make multiple physical screens
function as one logical screen.  Thus, it should be possible (and is
under Blackbox currently) for items, that would normally appear anywhere
on a single physical screen, to open anywhere on the one (Xinerama
provided) logical screen.  Even if this means that it opens partially on
two different physical screens.  

What is currently being proposed, is a patch to create artificial
boundaries (that in this case happen to coincide with the physical
monitor sizes) that items should not cross.  While this may sound like a
nice feature, that's all it is.  It has nothing to do with Xinerama (if
you don't believe me check with the developers, I have).  So, please
take it at what it is, a patch to add artificial no-cross boundary
generation to Blackbox.  

I see no need for patches of this nature to be included in Blackbox.  

Jamin W. Collins

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