On 26-Feb-2002 Guido 'lenix' Boehm wrote:
> Hey,
>> Here's an update to the previous script based on the feedback
>> received. I've attempted to make the script somewhat more shell
>> neutral.  
> thanks a lot, runs very nice now :)
>> Please let me know of any problems you encounter.
> just one little thing i doesn't really care about but could 
> mention here:
> on freebsd it's /usr/bin/mktemp instead of /bin/mktemp.
> maybe you could use 'whereis' or 'which' to figure out,
> but i have no idea if this fits the standard.

create_tempfile() {
    if `type tempfile 2>&1 >/dev/null`; then
        THETMP=`tempfile --prefix=bsetbg`
    elif `type mktemp 2>&1 >/dev/null`; then
        THETMP=`mktemp -t bsetbg`
        if [ -f $THETMP ]; then
            rm -f $THETMP
        touch $THETMP
        chmod 600 $THETMP

This is the code currently used by the cvs version of bsetbg (no I have no
included cthulhain's new version yet).

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