> I noticed a little bug: The window name doesn't refresh in workspace menu 
> when it changes. I noticed that with kwrite and Rox-Filer, but I guess it is 
> not related to these applications particularly. 
> For instance, Rox-Filer displays the name of curent directory as a window 
> name, but in the workspace menu it remains the window name when Rox-Filer was
> opened. 
> I can't reproduce it with Blackbox v0.62.1.
> I logged this to source forge.

oooooo I just LOVE side effects.  Gah.  So the old menu code stored a char**
which was the string it displayed.  If you change the char* the char** points
to the menu would update.  How nice.  The CVS code uses std::strings instead so
the menu has its own copy of the text.  So what is happening is the menu is not
getting told to update its member.

Because the menu was designed to update itself via sneaky pointers rather than
class methods there is currently no way to say "menu, please update the 3rd
menu item with this new label".  Brad has an implementation in his tree but it
requires several other changes.  The current idiom in the blackbox code is to
remove the menu entry and insert a new one.  So it looks like I will port some
of Brad's ideas over into the menu code in CVS.

This bug actually applies to all of the menu code but generally only the window
title changes.  The icon menu will exhibit the same behaviour I believe.  But
how often does an icon's title change?

The code for this is not too difficult to implement.  But it will take some

(note this is the same response as on the tracker, but you did not log in so i
wanted to be sure you received the answer)

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