I noticed something new in this release which i love!

I often middle click on a link in mozilla to bring up the link in a new
browser window. previously, the new mozilla window would pop up slightly to
the right and lower than the old window. since the window is the right size
to fill the screen except for the slit and the toolbar, this had the
tragic effect of covering the toolbar and about 2/3 of the slit.

So i was forced to develop the unfortunate habit of moving the new
mozilla window by mouse back on top of the old window.

but in this new version, the new window is placed within a pixel or two of
the old, and there is no longer any need for me to move it by hand! 

what a nice breath of fresh air! one less tedious mouse operation! excellent

On Tue, Apr 02, 2002 at 02:22:58PM -0800, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> For those of you not hitting the site every day.
> http://sf.net/projects/blackboxwm

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