> I am eager to seal this bug, I just need more eyes on the code.  My time is
> limited currently.

I am seeing this bug too, mostly with windowmaker applets (some of the
same ones we discussed before). I wanted to offer one more tidbit of
information -- I skilled the applet that had created an artifact. Although
the program went away, the artifact remains on all my desktops with a big
white splotch on top of it, covering about 2/3rds of it.

Is there a workaround for this? I noticed that if I start the applets
after blackbox is running, they work fine. I guess I can just write a
script that will start the apps in question, change the background
(doesn't work in .xinitrc either), etc.

Sean, I appreciate that your time is limited. I wish I could offer
programming skills, but instead I will offer my thanks for all your hard


  'Dreams aren't dangerous, or thrilling, until we think of them as real
        possibilities.' -Jonathon Carroll, _Sleeping in Flame_
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