Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:

>On 10-Jun-2002 Øyvind Stegard wrote:
>>Just posting a "little" issue I have with BlackBox, just to see if 
>>anyone else is having similar problems.
>>It concerns version 0.65alpha8:
>>After about 30-35 hours of operation (samme X session), BlackBox 
>>suddenly dies for no obvious reason, and thus X exits => I lose unsaved 
>>work etc etc etc. Is this some kind of memleak problem ? I am not 
>>experienced with C++ so I wouldn't know, but something is going from 
>>good -> bad in the course of those 30 hours, and in the end, Blackbox 
>>chooses to end its life. I would like BlackBox to live happily ever 
>>after (install). =).
>I suspect something else is happening.  You list Java, Mozilla and GAIM in your
>application list -- all three of these seem to aggravate bugs in blackbox.
>What you want to do is this:
>first, build blackbox with debugging information for gdb.  When you run
>configure use this command line as a base -- CXXFLAGS="-g -O2" ./configure. 
>Add any --prefix or other flags you need.
>to enable cores run this before you login -- 'ulimit -c unlimited'.  It is VERY
>important that this happens before blackbox is started.
>try to save blackbox's output to a file, I try to add messages around known
>crash points.
>When you have a crash and a core is generated the useful information is
>obtained with this command -- gdb /path/to/blackbox /path/to/core.  Once gdb is
>running the command to give it is 'bt' which stands for back trace.  This will
>tell us where you were in the code when a crash occured.
>Also try to be observant of the window manager when it crashes.  What were you
>doing right before the crash?  What was the last action you did?  Currently a
>major source of headaches is switching workspaces while any one of the 3
>applications you listed is active.  Unfortunately I do not run Java apps or
>GAIM so I find debugging this a little difficult.
>Brad and xOr are currently working on pieces of this puzzle.  We hope to have
>it solved soon.
>I can be fairly confident in saying that time is not the problem here it is
>more likely known bugs that are getting triggered.
OK, it is confirmed that TIME is NOT an issue here, like you said. It 
was just the impression I had, caused by coincidences. Just experienced 
another crash when writing this reply =), as a matter of fact.
Like you said, it occured just after I switched desktops. To eliminate 
some more factors: Mozilla and Gaim were the only two apps running now. 
One of them is triggering something, when switching desktops.
I'll try and build blackbox with debugging, but the bug(s) is really 
quite hard to reproduce. Like I've said, I have worked for like 30 hours 
and switching desktops without it ever occuring.

I'll also redirect blackbox output to file..

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