On 10-Jun-2002 Ryan Harris wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-06-10 at 18:07, Øyvind Stegard wrote:
>> Yeah, makes sense, gaim opens windows on many different workspaces (if 
>> someone sends you a message, the window pops up in the workspace you are 
>> currently in), and generally use many windows, on many different 
>> workspaces. Also, GAIM seems to me quite buggy in itself.
> I've been using Gaim with Blackbox alphas since the beginning with no
> problems.  However, I have been using the "tabbed" option along with
> bbappconf to make it sticky.  I tried reproducing the problem, placing
> separate Gaim windows on various workspaces along with Mozilla and
> cycling quickly and randomly through the workspaces to no avail. 

the bug in question is a window on Workspace A which has its state set to
indicate it is on Workspace B.  The assert catches this because this situation
leads to a horribly corrupted memory.  What happens is if you have said window
focused, close it and no other window gets focus and then try to change
workspaces Blackbox will store the dead, deallocated window as the "last focus"

I can recreate this with Mozilla.

The big problem is the time between the actual cause of the crash (closing the
window) and the actual crash can be some time and the cause and effect get

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