On Wed, 2002-07-24 at 07:18, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> If you use windows with no decor or minimal decor or are a heavy bbtool user
> please consider testing the cvs code.  I made a few cleanups today which appear
> to be sound but I would like to hear positive results from a few users.
> Specifically:
> does your window lose its close button unexpectedly?

Nope... it seems to be working fine here.
> if you toggle decor on and off does the decor change?

Nope... it comes back same as it was.

It also seems to work fine across a restart. Only thing I can see is
when I un-decor a shaded window, it unshades (that's fine) but when I
re-decor it it stays unshaded. Is this intended? Not that it's a big
problem... I was just wondering if it was meant to do that.

Oh, and why "or are a heavy bbtool user"? My bbtools all sit in the
slit, and don't focus, let alone decor...

Keep up the great work :)


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