El Wed, 24 Jul 2002 21:40:14 -0400
Mr.X <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> On Wed, 24 Jul 2002 08:15:13 -0700 (PDT)
> "Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think I found it, committing now.  Let me know.
> > 
> > For reference this also happen(s|ed) with mozilla's url window.
> > 
> > Part of the problem is that there is no memory associated with the
> > decor setting.  So if you have a window with minimal decor already and
> > you toggle it off, then on bbkeys sends:
> > 
> > decor none
> > decor normal # but what if I was tool or tiny and not normal?
> > 
> > The current code tries to be smart and not give a maximize button to a
> > window that can not be maximized and what not but I think this is a
> > losing battle.
> > 
> > In the mozilla case it sets no iconify button via mwm hints.  However
> > it does not also disable iconify in general.  So it is available from
> > the window menu. When you toggle the decor off and then odd the code
> > reads the abilities of a window and sees that it can be iconified and
> > adds the iconify button.  There is no way to check for whether or not
> > the window had one before decor was toggled.
> > 
> > Yeah I could add an old_decor variable but that seems like a waste.
> Ok, the Sylpheed problem is indeed fixed in CVS.  I see the Mozilla one
> happening, but I guess it isn't exactly a devastating bug.  I almost
> never use toggle decor anyway, and I'm sure nobody'll care too much if
> an iconify button appears when they (for some odd reason) toggle the
> decor off then on again on a Mozilla dialog.  Heh, the only reason I
> was lucky enough to find the Sylpheed bug was that it was the most
> random thing I could think of to toggle the decor on.

Actually, it could be an interesting thing to solve (albeit a very minor one):
when I open a window with a text "form" in it, sometimes it isn't the right
size to display the whole text, and having only the close-minimize buttons, but
no handles, it is uncomfortable to scroll back & forth. If I do toggledecor
twice (off ,then on again) handles appear.
I noticed this behavior at this site: 
If you open any post there with Mozilla (version up to 1.0) you will see what I
mean. Oh, this happens in a screen res of 1024x798, if it is of any use.
This happens in Opera too, but the browser lets me resize those windows
independently of the wm. So I would guess it's a problem with the website, not
with bb.

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