> Actually, it could be an interesting thing to solve (albeit a very minor
> one):
> when I open a window with a text "form" in it, sometimes it isn't the right
> size to display the whole text, and having only the close-minimize buttons,
> but
> no handles, it is uncomfortable to scroll back & forth. If I do toggledecor
> twice (off ,then on again) handles appear.
> I noticed this behavior at this site: 
> http://www.tectimes.com/foros/listado.asp?codforo=4&nomforo=Linux
> If you open any post there with Mozilla (version up to 1.0) you will see what
> I
> mean. Oh, this happens in a screen res of 1024x798, if it is of any use.
> This happens in Opera too, but the browser lets me resize those windows
> independently of the wm. So I would guess it's a problem with the website,
> not
> with bb.
> Adriano

mozilla sets several hints detailing exactly what decor we should give it.  The
problem is these hints are destroyed when you toggle decor.  The lack of resize
handles is by request.

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