Did you open Services Preferences (you can get to this easily from the
Services menu) and use that to configure the Send to Quicksilver
service? The option in QS's own preferences to set an alternate
Services Menu keyboard shortcut doesn't work on 10.6 (at least, not
for me); you have to use System Preferences to configure QS's
services. In there, under the Pictures section of your Services
preferences (why they are there I have no idea) you will find two
services provided by QS: Get Current Selection (Internal) and Send to
Quicksilver. By default, the first will be activated and have the
shortcut Cmd-Esc assigned to it (using the three letters "Esc" instead
of the normal circle-with-an-arrow-breaking-out-of-it symbol to
represent the Escape key). You can use either of these services (they
do exactly the same thing), but you'll need to add a new keyboard
shortcut to whichever one you choose. The System Preferences GUI won't
allow you to use the Escape key here for some reason, so you'll have
to use another combination unless you want to use a more geeky method
of editing this value.

Doing this is how I got the service working on both of my 10.6
machines after discovering that the Current Selection proxy, etc., no
longer worked. Plus, it has the added benefit that it will launch QS
if it is not already running, which is quite helpful if QS ever
happens to crash.

On Mar 24, 11:08 pm, Spike <fsm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm on SL 10.6.2
> I'm aware of the problems with SL and I've tried everything I could
> find, including installing b57, changing the prefs, and then
> reinstalling b54 which most people seem to be sticking with. I've also
> tried b58. I've tried the "Use front application rather than finder"
> solution, I've cleaned my prefs and cache. I've read about people
> having problems with Cmd-Esc and tried a different hotkey. I have
> proxy objects Enabled.
> In none of the combinations I've tried I've ever got a "send to
> quicksilver" in the services menu, and yes I've read about the
> problems on the github page about qs not registering and made sure I
> had no other quicksilver around and emptied my trash. No Joy.
> With the current setup I have, b54 with pref edited previously with
> b57 I've managed to get the "command window in text mode" to work,
> which at least allows me to create notes. This won't work on b57 or
> b58. Current selection is completely broken, even if I type it rather
> than using the trigger I hear an error system sound. I see some errors
> in consoles, but nothing shows up when I press those keys, they seem
> to be related to other actions.
> On b58 I cannot ever get the "command window in text mode" to work,
> but at some point I had current selection to work *with applications*.
> It never worked with selected text.
> I'm more than happy to get my hands dirty and run things in a debugger
> with Xcode etc, but I'll need some directions because I've never done
> development under Mac.
> thanks for QS, despite the problems it rocks.

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