Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 01/25/06 11:24 CST:
> When I tried to look at Nico's svg file of dependencies, I found I
> didn't have an svg viewer.  There is one built into firefox, but we
> don't enable it by default.  Is there a reason why?
> I would *recommend*  :) that we change this.  It took me 45 minutes to
> rebuild FF on a 3GHz system.

It is expensive. It takes time and disk space, and I believe it adds
some overhead to the running Firefox. I really don't care either way,
but making the default "bloated" (not really, but extra overhead that
some may not want) when there is a message that says:

1) You should review the options in the .mozconfig file and enable
any of them you may need and

2) The option for SVG is well described in the file.

If you read and follow the instructions, then you will see that it is
not the default and you must change it if you want it.

Additionally, it would be the only option that you must disable if
you *don't* want it. Everything else is the exact opposite. You must
enable it if you *do* want it.

I can go either way with this. I was just concerned about the bloat
to Firefox, and figured if someone wants it, then simply uncomment it
from the .mozconfig file.

I don't mean this to be rude or condescending to you specifically,
Bruce, but I just felt that most would heed the note to review the
file and enable it if they wanted it. Just out of curiosity, did you
not want it when you initially built Firefox?


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