Chris Staub wrote these words on 06/13/06 17:17 CST:
> Chris Staub wrote:
>>> 1. Removed Fontconfig as an optional dependency.
>>> 2. Did not remove it as a required depend, as it technically is.
>>> 3. Will be removing Cairo as recommended, but leaving the note.
>>>    A note should be enough.
>> Why? I'm sure most people installing Pango do so simply because it's 
>> required by GTK+-2.

I'm not a big fan of recommended depends, unless it is recommended
by the maintainer. In this case it is not. A note saying that if
you plan on installing GTK+-2, you should install Cairo before
Pango, should be enough. This is more in line with other packages
that just have notes explaining this type of stuff. See the D-BUS
instructions for an example.

> My main concern was cairo and X listed in the 
>> "Required" section when they are not.
> That was in reference to #3...

Please clarify. You've now got me confused. Are you saying that
you feel one of Cairo or X or fontconfig is not required?

I'm reading your last sentence before the (reference to #3) sentence
to mean you don't think X or Cairo should be in the required section.

How so?


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