akhiezer, if it does not show up in the list until tomorrow, forward it
yourself. I am having intermittent problems with the mails server.

Em 08-01-2014 09:31, akhiezer escreveu:
>> Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2014 20:52:41 -0300
>> From: Fernando de Oliveira
>> To: LFS Support List
>> Subject: Re: [lfs-support] Patch delete a directory
>> Em 07-01-2014 10:23, Fernando de Oliveira escreveu:

>> It is very good, I missed that, helps also in examining the dirs and
>> files for the book.
>> Thanks again!
> Hi Fernando,
> You're welcome; good that it's found to be useful - maybe for others too. I'd 
> kindof forgotten that it's not in blfs. If ever being added to the book - 
> it's 
> low-maint - then probly 'good form' to drop the author a wee thanks note or 
> similar (eml-addr via foot of proj homepage). (Disclaimer: I don't have any 
> vested interest in the software, or know the author, etc.)
> (( On a related note, if you find the tree idiom useful: you do know about 
> the 
> likes of 'pstree' (from 'procps', 'psmisc', &c), smbtree (from 'samba'), &usw 
> ? 
> I'd expect so, but mention just in case not. ))

Yes, thanks, some time since used for the last time smbtree, good to

It is a good package, displays in dircolors, more clear output than
using find?

 tree ../DEST-tree-1.6.0*
├── bin
│   └── tree
└── usr
    └── share
        └── man
            └── man1
                └── tree.1
├── bin
│   └── tree
└── man
    └── man1
        └── tree.1

8 directories, 4 files

Installation, although simple, not so straight forward:

make && make prefix=/usr MANDIR=/usr/share/man/man1 install

Simple to add the page.

Opinions, please?

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