Armin K. wrote:
> On 12.1.2014 21:12, BLFS Trac wrote:
>> #4556: Add package: lsof_4.87

>>    The install is manual.  I recommend something like:
>>    {{{
>>    groupadd -g 63 lsof
>>    install -4750 -o root -g lsof lsof /lib
>>    install lsof.8 /usr/share/man/man.8
>>    }}}
> Why do you install in /lib and why do you need a seperate group? I
> installed it in /usr/bin and haven't added any group, nor has any other
> linux distribution I looked for the instructions for it.

Well, /lib was obviously wrong.  I was thinking /sbin.  In any case, I 
think it might be useful in a situation where /usr is not available. 
It's probably not critical though.   It was just a suggestion.

The separate group may be overkill.  I'm OK without it.

   -- Bruce

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