On 25/02/2014 13:39, akhiezer wrote:
>> Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 11:26:19 +0100
>> From: Pierre Labastie <pierre.labas...@neuf.fr>
>> To: BLFS Development List <blfs-dev@linuxfromscratch.org>
>> Subject: [blfs-dev] discussion about sendmail
>> Hi,
>> Recently, sendmail has been archived, (see ticket #4723). There has not
>> been a real discussion about that. The reason is that the current
>> building instructions do not lead to a functional package, although
>> Armin and Igor have tried to do so. Furthermore, there are alternatives
>> (exim4 and postfix), which are deemed better than sendmail anyway. OTOH,
>> I suppose that folks monitoring this list not all follow BLFS trac, and
>> it may be interesting to hear what they have to say. That is the purpose
>> of this thread.
> Yes, I was about to post here on that.
> Wouldn't normally such a discussion take place on -dev and only after that
> would any -book actions happen - per the notes:
> ----
> Ref: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/mail.html
> --
> "blfs-book
>      The blfs-book list is used for coordinating the BLFS Book's
>      maintenance. Traffic on it is mostly Trac and SVN commit messages. It
>      is important that all development discussion of interest to the Book's
>      users take place on blfs-dev, not here."
> ----
> The trac item is:
>       http://wiki.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/ticket/4723
> That's a _very_ summary-'removal' of sendmail; and doesn't reflect well
> on b/lfs.
> "Since its build system requires IQ over 9000 to understand, I won't
> bother to try to fix it." (ibid). There are plenty of distros that build
> and use sendmail perfectly well. Very often b/lfs will avail itself of
> such instructions from other distros, for all sorts of packages, and to
> a very wide range of degrees of complexity. Yet in this case the package
> is dropped like a hot potato(/coal).
> What was (really) going on there, in that trac ticket?
> Also, the tone of "The current situation is terrible and is not copy/paste
> friendly at all. See Xorg, Qt, KDE instructions for more information." (re
> libreoffice: ref  'http://wiki.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/ticket/4725'),
> together with the above sendmail stuff, sounds more like someone is in a
> rather irascible mood?
I still use sendmail i find it exceptionally easy to build and install i 
have simple build
script i use and a perl config system that i could split up and push to 
blfs problem is
that its almost 100% ldap based. exim and postfix are understandably 
firm favorites and are more straight forward.

been a old school sendmail user going back to late 90's even had a copy 
of the bat book
the configuration is almost 100% ldap with a web interface used to 
"manage". then i also
use ldap as a passwd backend with ldap_nss/ldap_pam and that tied into 
samba3 for full
email/file/print stack.

for "educational" purposes you learn more from sendmail indeed.and for a 
simple LSB required
mailer that accepts mail from and or sendmail binary and 
forward it on it is just what you need.

the configuration of sendmail beyond a simple use case will be at the 
builders discretion the build can be covered in a simple
script  or even a copy paste devtools/Site/site.config.m4 will be fine 
adding the options bellow is likely overkill already and suited
to more ISP than SOHO build.

here is my bits it builds in the build-${ARCH} [x86_64] using the 
${HOST} toolchain [x86_64-linux-gnu]-{gcc,ld....} puts the
build in the staging direcory DIST_ROOT. the build supports 

the env var B_LIBDIRS is the arch's libdir ie lib/libx32/lib64 as i 
build for various builds/arch [this is more in CLFS] rmail and
mail.local are redundant but i do include them but never use them use 
dovecot/procmail instead of mail.local.

./build_sendmail ${ARCH} ${HOST} ${DIST_ROOT} this is run in the source dir


CWD=$( pwd )

(/usr/bin/cat <<EOF
APPENDDEF(\`confINCDIRS', \`-I/usr/include/sasl')dnl
APPENDDEF(\`confLIBDIRS', \`-L=/usr/${B_LIBDIRS}/sasl2')dnl
APPENDDEF(\`confLIBS', \`-L=/usr/${B_LIBDIRS} -lldap -lsasl2 -lcrypt 
-lssl -lcrypto -llber -lpthread -lrt -lltdl -lutil')dnl
define(\`confCC', \`/usr/bin/${2}-gcc')dnl
define(\`confCCOPTS', \`--sysroot=/build/${1}')dnl
define(\`confMKDIR', \`mkdir')dnl
define(\`confMANROOT', \`/usr/share/man/man')dnl
define(\`confCCLINK', \`/usr/bin/${2}-gcc')dnl
) > devtools/Site/site.config.m4

for mandir in 1 3 4 5 8;do
   /usr/bin/mkdir -p ${3}/usr/share/man/man${mandir}

for bindir in bin sbin;do
   /usr/bin/mkdir -p ${3}/usr/${bindir}

./Build -O ${CWD}/build-${1} DESTDIR=${3} all install

for noinst in build-${1}/*/rmail build-${1}/*/mail.local;do
   /usr/bin/make -C ${noinst} DESTDIR=${3} force-install

/usr/bin/rsync -avP cf/ ${3}/usr/share/mailconf


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