> Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 17:08:10 -0500
> From: Bruce Dubbs <bruce.du...@gmail.com>
> To: BLFS Development List <blfs-dev@linuxfromscratch.org>
> Subject: Re: [blfs-dev] blfs bootscripts (-dev)
> akhiezer wrote:
> > Btw, what was it decided you to 'get more involved' on the sysd side -
> > e.g. demand for teaching courses on the stuff?
> No, it was a combination of things.  There were comments in the lists as 
> well as irc that people wanted systemd.  My judgement is that there are 
> about an equal number of people on both sides of the issue.
> Additionally, most of the mainstream distros have gone to systemd.   If 
> we want to maintain one of our fundamental goals of being an 
> instructional resource, we really need to address this.

Yes, I agree about addressing it: but the two streams in b/lfs should
still be separable fairly readily; and that has been getting lessened,
and unnecessarily; and it raises doubts about why.

> I personally don't like the amount of systemd components mutual 
> interconnections.  IMO, that's not really necessary from a design 
> standpoint.  However, I don't have any input into that.

As noted before and elsewhere (& increasingly), as the 'community' gets
its hands on sysd, it'll (the former) knock it into (at _least_ better)


>    -- Bruce
> -- 

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