On 17/08/2019 00:38, Douglas R. Reno via blfs-dev wrote:
> On 8/16/19 4:36 PM, Bruce Dubbs via blfs-dev wrote:
>> I've just completed xorg on a new blfs-9.0 SysV build.  Here are some
>> observations.
>> I used Pierre's build order that he posted some time ago.  I've listed that
>> below with some modifications.  The asterisks indicate that the package was
>> installed, the dash indicates it was skipped.  The indented entries show
>> packages I installed that were not in the jhalfs list.
>> Overall I liked the generated list as it made the order much easier to 
>> follow.
>> I ran into a bit of a problem when starting Xorg.  It came up but I had no
>> mouse or keyboard input.  There was also a problem finding Xorg.0.log to see
>> what was happening.  It is in ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log. That is
>> documented in the Testing and Configuration section for systemd.  I will
>> change it so it is reflected in both books now that we are using elogind.
>> I had not started dbus or elogind.  After starting those, the xorg input
>> still did not work.  I then rebooted and the mouse and keyboard worked
>> fine.  I think a logout and login may have been sufficient, but I'm not
>> sure.  I'm not sure how to address this.  It would only be a one-time
>> issue.  Should we recommend a reboot before starting xorg for the first
>> time?  logout/in?
> I agree, a restart should be recommended before starting Xorg for the first
> time. In systemd, we have to rebuild systemd with logind support before
> starting Xorg-Server (I'm kind of parked at the moment while I wait for jhalfs
> to finish), but we specify that a reboot is recommended after reinstalling
> systemd. Perhaps on the elogind page, we should suggest it?
>> We probably need to adjust some dependencies.  shadow really should have
>> cracklib.  pam should probably have a shadow as a recommended runtime
>> dependency.
> I disagree here because it's possible that jhalfs (or a user) could rebuild
> shadow without PAM support. In the systemd version, we have specified in a
> note at the bottom of the page that you should rebuild shadow after installing
> PAM. I don't know if it's on the sysv version or not
>> The xcb-util-* files are only needed for qt, but it's easy to do them in the
>> book order.
>> libva has a circular dependency with mesa.
>> make-ca probably should have wget as a recommended runtime dependency.
> I agree with leaving xcb-util alone. Agreed on make-ca, but wget will also
> refuse to download files from https sites without certificates IIRC, and
> make-ca is hosted on Github (which has an HSTS policy forcing it to use
> HTTPS). Would it be better if we self-host it so that wget can fetch it (we
> don't use HTTPs yet of course).
>> I do not know of a way to get jhalfs to add in drivers.  Perhaps an output
>> line to tell the user to install the appropriate drivers for the system HW
>> would be sufficient.
> We could do that, or we could have the user specify which drivers they want
> built in an additional Menu option. Note that it's been close to two years
> since I've used blfs-tool, so I'm a bit out of touch on this. Another option
> would be to just build all drivers by default.

Beginning to answer with the end: I am not sure where you mean to add "an
output line to tell the user to install the appropriate drivers". In the BLFS
book or in jhalfs?
If in jhalfs, there is a sub menu "Xorg Drivers" in the
X + Window and Display Managers
--> X Window System Environment
Do we need more? Don't you think a jhalfs user should know about the need of
installing drivers?
If in the BLFS book, Maybe add a sentence at the end of the Xorg-server page,
or at the beginning of the "Xorg-7 Testing and Configuration".
Ah, I just see that ConsoleKit is referenced on this page. Actually, now
elogind takes care of permissions, and the whole sentence about the user
belonging to the video group is not necessary. Will fix that.

About make-ca: Dj has taken care of the access to the cert repo by using
directly a low level openssl command, so wget is not needed. Of course, you
need to access githubto download the make-ca tarball, but that just means you
need to download it before chroot- or boot-ing, as any package before wget is
installed. SO I think all is well for make-ca.

About the following:
> I disagree here because it's possible that jhalfs (or a user) could rebuild
> shadow without PAM support. In the systemd version, we have specified in a
> note at the bottom of the page that you should rebuild shadow after
> installing PAM. I don't know if it's on the sysv version or not.

There is the same note in the Sysv book. Adding shadow in the recommended
runtime deps of PAM would be only for the sake of jhalfs automation. I am not
against it of course, but if you tick elogind and shadow (for example), the
generated order is OK, that is cracklib pam shadow elogind (then X libraries
and a bunch of other packages, which are needed for polkit, which is a runtime
dep of elogind) (same in the systemd book if you tick systemd and shadow).

>> libva has a circular dependency with mesa.

Yes, I'll add role="first" to libva in mesa: this will trigger a two pass
build: libva-pass1 mesa libva.

About recommending a restart before starting X: agreed. That's what I do
usually when I have problems anyway.

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