On Sat, Aug 24, 2019 at 05:57:10PM -0500, Bruce Dubbs via blfs-dev wrote:
> On 8/24/19 4:38 PM, Ken Moffat via blfs-dev wrote:
> > Assuming that the reply to my earlier post (should I be in the input
> > group?) is 'no', can somebody please spare some time to explain how
> > authorisation via polkit (which I think is the intended route to
> > gaining access to /dev/input/event*) is supposed to work ?
> > 
> > I've built polkit with the patch for elogind.  Both dbus and elogind
> > have been started.
> After some discussion, we determined that dbus must be built twice due to
> circular dependencies:
> dbus
> pam
> elogind
> dbus
> ...
> polkit

Yes, and it was.

> > First question: should polkitd be running (i.e. visible in ps aux)
> > or does it only fire up to respond to dbus, and then shut down again
> > ?
> There is no boot script for polkit, so something needs to start it.  I'm not
> sure what does that, but we have polkit as a runtime dependency of
> xorg-server.

Yes, but (assume I'm thick, if it helps) - on a working desktop, is
polkitd visible (ps aux | grep polkit) ?

> > Second question: how is the user who started xorg authenticated by
> > polkitd ?
> > 
> > Looking at the man pages, all rules files in /etc/polkit-1/rules.d
> > and /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d are processed in lexical order (in
> > the event of a tie, the file in /etc is processed first).  But on
> > this completed system I only have three files in those two
> > directories:
> I note that /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/50-default.rules has
> polkit.addAdminRule(function(action, subject) {
>     return ["unix-group:wheel"];
> });
> On my system, I am a member of the wheel group, but I didn't add that
> recently.  It is legacy.  Are you a member of the wheel group?

No.  I don't really want to be (if ken is running something that
needs root access, he ought to have to 'su' to remind him of the
dangers ;)  But I do remember there was _something_ about being a
member of the wheel group in the past few months, although I don't
remember the details.

Will try that later.

> I have not yet built gnome and for me /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d is empty.

Yes, that is what I would expect.

> > /etc/polkit/rules.d/50-default-rules which seems to be checking if
> > admin users are in the wheel group, and in
> > /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d I have
> > org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.rules and
> > org.gtk.vfs.file-operations.rules from building those packages at a
> > later stage.
> > 
> > I don't see anything that would cause polkitd to grant access to me
> > via elogind.
> > 
> > At this point, I'm clearly out of my depth, and I will not be
> > updating further systems (nor reviewing if the kernel config for
> > elogind is adequate, nor if the mountcgroupfs and elogind
> > bootscripts are really needed) unless I can understand where my
> > build/usage of elogind is failing.
> I agree that the interaction of applications, elogind, dbus, pam, and polkit
> are complicated.

I think the real problem is that the details have never explicitly
been spelled out, except perhaps in various elogind 'issues'.  In
systemd, of course, it is all integral to one package.

> Speaking of pam, in /etc/pam.d/ do you have polkit-1, elogind-user, and
> login?  Also:
> $ cat system-session
> # Begin /etc/pam.d/system-session
> session   required    pam_unix.so
> # End /etc/pam.d/system-session
> # Begin elogind addition
> session  required    pam_loginuid.so
> session  optional    pam_elogind.so
> # End elogind addition
>   -- Bruce

yes, copied below:

# Begin /etc/pam.d/polkit-1

auth     include        system-auth
account  include        system-account
password include        system-password
session  include        system-session

# End /etc/pam.d/polkit-1

# Begin /etc/pam.d/elogind-user

account  required    pam_access.so
account  include     system-account

session  required    pam_env.so
session  required    pam_limits.so
session  required    pam_unix.so
session  required    pam_loginuid.so
session  optional    pam_keyinit.so force revoke
session  optional    pam_elogind.so

auth     required    pam_deny.so
password required    pam_deny.so

# End /etc/pam.d/elogind-user

# Begin /etc/pam.d/login

# Set failure delay before next prompt to 3 seconds
auth      optional    pam_faildelay.so  delay=3000000

# Check to make sure that the user is allowed to login
auth      requisite   pam_nologin.so

# Check to make sure that root is allowed to login
# Disabled by default. You will need to create /etc/securetty
# file for this module to function. See man 5 securetty.
#auth      required    pam_securetty.so

# Additional group memberships - disabled by default
#auth      optional    pam_group.so

# include the default auth settings
auth      include     system-auth

# check access for the user
account   required    pam_access.so

# include the default account settings
account   include     system-account

# Set default environment variables for the user
session   required    pam_env.so

# Set resource limits for the user
session   required    pam_limits.so

# Display date of last login - Disabled by default
#session   optional    pam_lastlog.so

# Display the message of the day - Disabled by default
#session   optional    pam_motd.so

# Check user's mail - Disabled by default
#session   optional    pam_mail.so      standard quiet

# include the default session and password settings
session   include     system-session
password  include     system-password

# End /etc/pam.d/login


# Begin /etc/pam.d/system-session

session   required    pam_unix.so

# End /etc/pam.d/system-session
# Begin elogind addition
session  required    pam_loginuid.so
session  optional    pam_elogind.so

# End elogind addition

I do note that elogind is always labelled as optional, and I assume
that is so that remote logins are permitted (although I never
normally have an openssh server on desktop machines).

Adopted by dwarfs, brought up by dwarfs.  To dwarfs I'm a dwarf, sir.
I can do the rite of k'zakra, I know the secrets of h'ragna, I can
ha'lk my g'rakha correctly ... I am a dwarf
           Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson (in The Fifth Elephant)
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