On Sat, May 07, 2005 at 04:12:07PM +0200, Nicolas FRANCOIS enlightened
us thusly
> Well, I investigated the problem a little. It doesn't seem to be the
> sound after all. My installation is correct, and no, I'm not the kind
> of szcrumlfbold to forget to read the docs before posting :-) I'm of
> course in the audio group.

> It looks I have problems with SDL, or something like that (something
> strongly related to games, anyway :-). I'll try some strace stuff to
> find out what is happening.
> > I would start by reading
> > ~/Documentation/sound/alsa/ALSA-Configuration.txt where it refers to
> > your card. Build a kernel with modules and allowing forced unloading
> > of them. That way you can have options in modprobe.conf to help you.
> > When things go horribly wrong, you can use Ctrl_Alt_F<something>
> > open a root console, and forcibly remove the module or kill
> > processes.
> I compiled the alsa driver in module, but it doesn't seem to solve the
> problem. And I did NO udev configuration ;-) The sound works, not the
> games (crash after a while).
Good. That's eliminating a lot of stuff.

> When I say "crash", let's be precise :
> - if the game is running full screen, my keyboard is inoperant, I
> CAN'T get back to a console to kill anything. So hard reboot (smash
> the keyboard, throw away the 30 pounds monitor, axe the tower... and
> finally press the little button) is my only option.

That's rarely permissions. That's Bod Programming, dodgy memory, dodgy 
disk, or overheated CPU. Are the fa
> - if the game is running windowed, I loose the use of anything in X,
> but at least I can reach a console and kill the crashed game. But game
> in window is no fun :-(

You appear to have a favourite game, by the sound of it. If you start X
from runlevel 3 (hack /etc/inittab for a while if necessary) and then
switch to that console after the crash, are there any interesting error
messages? If not, the system won't know it's crashed.

> The sysadmin learned from his past experiences ;-)

We all do. I'm still coming here for advice.
> Sound works fine without permissions hack, no ? Or is it sometimes
> necessary to go threw this ?
> Thanks anyway for your (sarcastic :-) response.

Sarcastic? No! Slightly Serious, more like it :-).

        With best Regards,

        Declan Moriarty.
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